On Supernotes, you are able to create Custom Collections, which are a convenient way to organize cards.

They can be thought of like “smart playlists”, where they are mostly just a collection of filters with some associated metadata that are persisted and synced across your devices.

The underlying format is as follows:

Tasks Collection Example

const tasksCollection: ICollection = {
  id: "tasks", // any string
  name: "Tasks", // any string
  description: "Every card with at least one unchecked todo item",
  icon: "check-circle", // any icon available from current icon list
  color: "blue", // any color available from current card color list
  created_when: "2023-12-07T12:13:26.685000", // date in ISO 8601 format
  readonly: true, // disallow new card creation within this collection
  filter_group: {
    op: FilterGroupOperator.AND,
    filters: [
        type: FilterType.STATUS,
        op: FilterOperator.WITHIN,
        arg: [Status.PENDING, Status.ACTIVE],
        type: FilterType.PERMS,
        op: FilterOperator.CAN,
        arg: Perm.EDIT_DATA,
        type: FilterType.CONTENT,
        op: FilterOperator.CONTAINS,
        arg: "- [ ]",


Status and Perm definitions can be found here; and FilterType and FilterOperator are defined as follows:

enum FilterType {
  CARD_ID = 'card_id',
  NAME = 'name',
  MARKUP = 'markup',
  CONTENT = 'content',
  AUTHOR = 'author',
  MEMBER_COUNT = 'member_count',
  TAG = 'tag',
  TAG_COUNT = 'tag_count',
  CHILD_COUNT = 'child_count',
  PARENT_COUNT = 'parent_count',
  COMMENT_COUNT = 'comment_count',
  SHARE_LINK_COUNT = 'share_link_count',
  LIKED = 'liked',
  STATUS = 'status',
  COLOR = 'color',
  VISIBILITY = 'visibility',
  PERMS = 'perms',
  PARENT_IDS = 'parent_ids',
  ARCHIVED_PARENT_IDS = 'archived_parent_ids',
  PUBLISHED_PARENT_IDS = 'published_parent_ids',
  BACKLINK_IDS = 'backlink_ids',
enum FilterOperator {
  EQUALS = "equals",
  GREATER_THAN = "greater_than",
  GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "greater_than_or_equal",
  LESS_THAN = "less_than",
  LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = "less_than_or_equal",
  CAN = "can",
  CONTAINS = "contains",
  WITHIN = "within",

Additional Thoughts Collection Example

const thoughtsCollection: ICollection = {
  id: "thoughts",
  name: "Thoughts",
  description: "Your lonely cards – no name, content and hierarchy",
  icon: "thought",
  color: "pink",
  created_when: "2023-12-07T12:13:26.685000",
  filter_group: {
    op: FilterGroupOperator.AND,
    filters: [
        type: FilterType.STATUS,
        op: FilterOperator.WITHIN,
        arg: [Status.PENDING, Status.ACTIVE],
        type: FilterType.PERMS,
        op: FilterOperator.CAN,
        arg: Perm.EDIT_DATA,
        op: FilterGroupOperator.OR,
        filters: [
            type: FilterType.NAME,
            op: FilterOperator.EQUALS,
            arg: "",
            type: FilterType.CONTENT,
            op: FilterOperator.EQUALS,
            arg: "",
            op: FilterGroupOperator.AND,
            filters: [
                type: FilterType.CHILD_COUNT,
                op: FilterOperator.EQUALS,
                arg: 0,
                type: FilterType.PARENT_COUNT,
                op: FilterOperator.EQUALS,
                arg: 0,